Dr Caroline Meyer ND

Hello, I am Caroline

I embarked on the journey to my best health long ago. Like many of you, I struggled with my physical and mental health.
Dr Caroline Meyer ND
Are You Feeling Tired

Are You Ready To Feel Your Best?

Are you feeling tired, unwell and just not yourself despite doing ‘all the right things’ for your health? Or are you confused by all the health ‘information’ available online or through friends? Are you fascinated by the latest evidence-informed ways to optimize your health? Well, you are in the right place.
I work with adults and children to both optimize their health and treat specific mental health concerns. With over 18 years of practice, I have noted the enduring principles of healthy living. Since everything health is so individual, I adapt these principles in the most effective way for you. I’m obsessed with combining leading-edge medical science with traditional wisdom to help you feel your best –physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.

Services & Programs

I am driven by the belief that when we feel healthy-physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically
we show up more fully to our lives, our loved ones and to the world.

Natural Mental Health Support

Whether you are following conventional therapies

Naturopathic Pediatrics

For over 18 years, I have worked with children

Modern Energy Medicine & Reiki

I’m trained as a Reiki Master

Restore Sleep Program

We know how important restorative sleep is to overall health

Teachings & Speaking

Reiki & Energy Healing Trainings

Reiki & Energy Healing Trainings

On a seasonal basis, I offer training in Levels I, II and Master levels of Reiki in addition to other models of energy healing.

Speaking Opportunities

Speaking Opportunities

I absolutely love to speak to audiences about aspects of natural health,

Schedule Your Appointment Today