About Me

Hello, I am Caroline.
I embarked on the journey to my best health long ago. Like many of you, I struggled with my physical and mental health. Conventional medicine offered some solutions but did not offer me the level of wellness I knew was my birthright. Along the way, I studied to be a naturopath and Reiki Master. I have tried different dietary plans, ways of meditation and exercise, as well as various vitamins and minerals. I am still discovering both new and ancient ways to achieve total health.
I am driven by the belief that when we feel healthy-physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically—we show up more fully to our lives, our loved ones and to the world.
I am obsessed with combining leading-edge science with traditional wisdom and energetic medicine to take you to your best health. Transformation is not only possible, but is achievable, with the right blueprint for you.

Programs & Trainings

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Servcies & Programs
For over 18 years, I have worked with children, teens and families to improve their health. Whether you simply want a naturopath to track your child’s development and growth or your child has a particular health concern, I have experience providing advice and support. In particular, I have treated countless children with:
- Natural Mental Health Support
- Naturopathic Pediatrics
- Modern Energy Medicine & Reiki
- Restore Sleep Program