Work with me

There are several ways to work with me.

Introductory, Complimentary Information

Want to check me out first? Don’t have money to spend on private sessions? No problem. I am constantly providing free health information on my Instagram and YouTube channels. These are good places to start.

Intrigued? Book a Discovery Call

If you’re ready to work privately with me, great! Booking a discovery call is a great way to determine if we are a good match. It is important to me that you work with the best person to help you, even if it is not me. I am happy to refer you to a practitioner or practice that can assist you in the best way possible.

Ready to Book With Me?

If you feel ready to work with me, then you can go ahead and book an initial consultation that lasts about 75 minutes. In that first session, we explore your health from a 360 degree view so that my recommendations have a better chance of ‘sticking’ in your life. I may also recommend laboratory testing to enhance the treatment and tracking of progress.

Ongoing Care

The first follow-up session is typically 3-5 weeks later and lasts 45 minutes. At this meeting, we review your progress thus far, the results of the diagnostic testing and of my additional research. In this session, we may also do an acupuncture or Reiki treatment.

The subsequent follow-up sessions usually occur every 4-8 weeks, depending on your concern. We continue to track your progress and make adjustments along the way. My happiest day is when I can tell people that they no longer need to see me regularly because you have the habits in place that support your health.

Schedule Your Appointment Today