Services & Programs

Natural Mental Health Support

Whether you are following conventional therapies, prefer to take a natural approach or a combination of both, naturopathy can help you improve concerns like anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. I am trained to understand how to safely use natural treatment approaches to avoid interactions with pharmaceutical medications.

Moreover, I curate all the possible natural treatment approaches to your situation, selecting what I think are the most effective solutions for you. A typical treatment plan involves daily habit upgrades in addition to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs. We may also incorporate traditional treatments such as acupuncture and energy healing.

Naturopathic Pediatrics

For over 18 years, I have worked with children, teens and families to improve their health. Whether you simply want a naturopath to track your child’s development and growth or your child has a particular health concern, I have experience providing advice and support. In particular, I have treated countless children with:

Modern Energy Medicine & Reiki

We are energetic beings. This is not a ‘woo-woo’ concept but what modern science has demonstrated over and over again.

As I worked with more people over the years, I saw that they often suffered from blockages in their energy fields. These energy blocks, too, lead to manner of physical and mental health challenges.

I’m trained as a Reiki Master and other energy healing approaches. Energy medicine is not meant to ‘fix’ you, but rather allow your energy to flow more freely and heal yourself. One of the many benefits of a energy healing session is getting deeply into a relaxed state. From that state, remarkable healing can occur. I have witnessed people heal long-standing anxiety, joint pain, insomnia among other conditions by healing their energy flow.

Even if you’re sceptical, especially if you’re sceptical, I encourage you to open your mind and give energy healing a try.

Restore Sleep Program

We know how important restorative sleep is to overall health. When we are sleeping soundly, all aspects of our health improve. When sleep is elusive, it negatively impacts our well-being. Indeed, when exhausted, we feel more irritability and anxiety, eat more and feel less like our optimal selves. The Sleep Restore program is a step-by-step approach based on the latest science to help you regain confidence in your ability to sleep well.

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